Connected Dundee
Superfast Fibre
Dundee is a city where broadband access is available to the majority of premises and where connectivity is prioritised so the city can be more competitive, reduce costs and improve quality of life, productivity and opportunities. It means more choice in how to connect to digital services.
Dundee is a world leader in superfast connectivity with more than 98.9% of premises covered.
Dundee City residents have access to the fastest average download speed (28.7Mbps) in Scotland and the fifth fastest in the UK according to the Which organisations research.
Virgin Media are currently providing 92.6% access to ultrafast 100+ Mbps to Dundee. Virgin are investing in Project Lightning the single biggest private investment in the UK and Ireland’s digital infrastructure in more than a decade.
Extensive work is underway with private investors delivering fibre to the premise projects.
Fibre to premise brings connectivity beyond the telecoms boxes located on every street and directly into premises so boosting connectivity and speed.
We’re offering great ways to engage with 5G – the latest, fifth generation mobile communications. Tay 5G brings together:
- A brand new 5G testbed at Dundee Waterfront
- The Connected 5G Innovation Hub – a collaboration between the Scotland 5G Centre, Abertay University and Dundee City Council
- Tay Cities Deal 5G opportunities for use case trials to develop applications with commercial potential

- Connected
- Superfast digital connections, 5G programme and easy national and international travel
- Thinking digital
- With a strong digital industry, digital skills for all citizens from school right through to retirement are essential for the future
- Smart City
- Dundee is part of the Scottish Cities Alliance and works together with other Scottish cities to deliver Smart City projects, integrating data and digital technologies to improve citizen wellbeing and economic development
- Collaborate
- Dundee is part of many collaborative working groups focussed on digital service delivery in the most efficient way to maximise benefits
- Mobile priority
- To best deliver digital services on the move or with private 5G networks
- Digital Council
- Committed to innovation and changing the way services are re-designed to provide them in the most effective way and maximise use of new technologies